we are in many types of field you can contact us for avail that.
Brand Partnership
Brand Partnerships is the segment of SEA LORD ENTERTAINMENT that helps customers, companies, and partners capture value across all of our films and content. The possibilities may include material created specifically for the digital platform.


Brand Partnerships is the segment of SEA LORD ENTERTAINMENT that helps customers, companies, and partners capture value across all of our films and content. The possibilities may include material created specifically for the digital platform.

SEA LORD ENTERTAINMENT has always embraced the digital age. It has successfully been able to use digital medium as a means of communication, as well as a revenue-generator.

SEA LORD gets the highest values from distributors and exhibitors, satellite & terrestrial channels, licensees and various other users of catalogue film repertoire.

The licencing branch of SEA LORDS is tasked with preserving its extensive repertoire under the Copyright Act and monetizing material by licencing to all available channels

The most precious money in our industry today is the audience’s time, and they know exactly how they want to trade it. It is thus no longer sufficient to just generate interest in the film. To compete for their attention, we must provide them a compelling incentive to go to the cinema and see our films.

Characters from SEA LORD ENTERTAINMENT have become synonymous with their personas, legendary conversations, costumes, and everything else that comes with them.
Film Production

SEA LORD gets the highest values from distributors and exhibitors, satellite & terrestrial channels, licensees and various other users of catalogue film repertoire. The quality of films produced by SEA LORD ENTERTAINMENT stand out for their look, feel and technique.

Broadcasters, DTH operators, film production firms, telecommunications businesses, and content entrepreneurs are all part of SEA LORD ENTERTAINMENT’s OTT section.
Sea Lord Studio

SEA LORD has launched a cutting-edge, fully integrated studio. The only totally soundproof and air-conditioned studio in India, this one-of-a-kind studio has three sound stages. The Audio Wing is home to the most cutting-edge audio recording and post-production equipment available.

SEA LORDENTERTAINMENT’s talent management section is known as SEA LORD Talent. Across all touchpoints, including films, sponsorships, events, appearances, internet, and personal PR, we are the single exclusive advocates of some of the industry’s youngest and most brilliant artists.
Sea Lord Foundation
Durdarsha Sea Lord Foundation is one of the respectable foundations which has been operational since 2018 in Delhi, India. It is India’s leading non-profit organization which is serviceable in the direction of the betterment of the country. We strive to work towards the sole aim of “well-being” of the people. We endeavor to achieve the motive of the social improvement in the dilapidated state of the needy, deprived or the underprivileged sections of the society. We have been acting as a bridge to curb the gap between the reach and the requirement.